Collaboration between AI Lund and AI for the People

AI Lund and AI for the People are both interested in sharing knowledge about AI and has tightened and formalized their collaboration! 


AI Lund is an open platform for research, education and innovation in the area of artificial intelligence. The network is sprung from research collaborations and an urge to communicate around AI. The nerves of this ecosystem like network are now rooted at all faculties of the Lund University. AI Lund also has valuable and very interesting exchanges with the public sector, communities in the area and companies around Scania.


AI for the People Center joins and coordinates the multitude of AI activities across all five faculties at Aalborg University. The name of the center signifies that the focus is not only on technical AI, but also on the influence AI solutions will have on individuals and society, and how this should be governed. Such ethico-legal aspects can and should not be researched in isolation, but jointly with the AI technologies, and the multidisciplinary nature of the center is therefore core to its success.
Both AI Lund and AI for the People can offer a wide network of contacts, skillful researchers from all faculties, insights into new ideas still at innovation state, exciting events and professional development.


Karl Åström, Lund 
Rasmus D. Jensen, AAU