
17 May 2023: Algorithmic injustice – Taking automated decision-making to court


Algorithmic injustice – Taking automated decision-making to court


Charlotta Kronblad, Post Doc at Stockholm School of Economics


Stefan Larsson, Associate Professor at the department of Technology and Society, LTH, Lund University.


17 May at 12.00-13.15.


Online - link by registration

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Charlotta Kronblad is a post doc at the House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics, that uses her background in law to inform her research in the intersection of law, digital technologies and organisation. During this lunch seminar Charlotta will talk about algorithmic decision making and what happens when algorithms end up in court. Her latest research concerns the implementation of algorithmic decision making systems in the public sector and has revealed a blindness, both at the public administration and at the courts, for potential errors. This means that errors, and faulty decisions, stemming from algorithmic decision making largely goes uncorrected, resulting in social and legal injustice.


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