
18 March 2021: Can our AI-systems survive outside the lab?


You have got the go to launch your AI solution in the company, what happens next? In this webinar, we put focus on the final phase of an AI project – after the business potential has been defined, you have collected data, explored the data and trained and fine-tuned the best model – and your solution is ready to be deployed. Why is this last phase so important in terms of monitoring and maintaining the AI system? We have invited three experts from industry to give their pitch and perspective on what happens when your AI solution is put into operation and what to be aware of.

Date: 18 March 2021

Time: 13.00-14.00

Format: Webinar


-          Welcome & Brief update from ‘AI for the People Centre’

-          Invited talk: David Getreuer Jensen, Head of Machine Learning, Envidan

-          Invited talk: Sigurd Villumsen, Technology Contributor, Velux

-          Invited talk: : Christian Holmegaard Mossing, Vice President: Data, Analytics & Planning, Niras

-          Outro


Regards, The steering committee for our ‘AI for the People’ Centre